The UIR Transport Helicopter[1] was used by the Union of Independent Republics during the Pendulum Wars.
The aircraft was larger than the Khimera gunship, with two rotor blades akin to the King Raven Dual-Rotor Variant. The wider and longer body allowed the UIR Transport Helicopter to hold a large compartment of Union of Independent Republics Infantrymen in either assault campaigns or air insertion. The aircraft had no known visible weapons and two primary doors (a smaller front door and a much larger back door) from which UIR soldiers could disembark in the heat of battle.
These Transports were found in the hangars of the abandoned airport outside OZP-11 in Vasgar in 42 A.E. There were a total of four UIR Transports in the airport, two residing in the hangars and two outside of the airport. Like the nearby Pariah Tanks, they were likely stripped for parts by Garron Paduk's Nomads.[2]
Several of these Transports were found throughout Vasgar, the majority of them crashed, either from attacks during the UIR Mutiny at OZP-11 or when the Coalition of Ordered Governments fired a Lightmass Missile at OZP-11 at the behest of UIR Premier Yori Deschenko to crush the mutiny.
Behind the Scenes[]
- The UIR Transport Helicopter strongly resembles the Soviet Yak-24 Horse and the American CH-47 Chinook, both are real-life tandem rotor helicoptors. The cockpit of the UIR Transport Helicoptor is similar to that of the Mil Mi-24 Hind.
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- ↑ Gears 5: Fighting Chance