The UIR Minigun is the Union of Independent Republics equivalent of the various rotary cannons developed and manufactured by the Coalition of Ordered Governments.
These weapons are only found pintle-mounted on the hulls of vehicles like the Pariah Tank and the Khimera Gunship. These five-barrelled rotary cannons are electrically-cycled, enabling for faster revolutions, creating an absurd amount of firepower against infantry.
Battle of Ragani[]
During the Battle of Ragani, Helena Stroud managed to knock the tracks off an assaulting Pariah Tank, forcing it to become immobile and vulnerable to being flanked. Distracted, Adam Fenix used this chance to throw some Molotov Cocktails onto the vulnerable air vents of the tank, frying the crew.[1]
However, the second Pariah Tank took wind of this; the gunner of the tank than climbed on the turret hull and used the Minigun to assault Adam Fenix's position. Fenix was promptly shot in the leg before the Andius Fusiliers Regiment destroyed the vehicle with their own tanks.[2]