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"The world is rightfully ours!"

Queen Myrrah, also known as Subject EV-184-9, was the co-creator and Queen of the Locust Horde. The child of an Imulsion miner, Myrrah was born with a unique genetic reaction to Imulsion exposure. She was brought to the New Hope Research Facility as a subject to treat children afflicted with Rustlung and other birth defects caused by Imulsion exposure. After New Hope was shutdown by the COG, key subjects and staff were relocated to an underground laboratory in Mount Kadar by a fringe political group. Through genetic experiments led by Dr. Niles Samson, Myrrah's embryonic stem cells and Sire DNA were responsible for the creation of the Locust. In adolescence, she began a relationship with Dr. Torres and had their daughter Reyna. Myrrah was led to believe by Niles that her infant daughter was killed when Torres escaped with her. Distraught, Myrrah led the Locust to slaughter all the scientists, including Niles, and established themselves as an independent race.

As Queen, Myrrah led her people underground in the Hollow to create Nexus. In the following years, the effects of Imulsion began infecting the Locust, known as Lambency, and caused an epidemic in the Hollow. Myrrah enlisted the aid of COG scientist Professor Adam Fenix to cure the Lambent without harming the Locust. Years later, Adam was unable to find a safe solution for the Locust, causing Myrrah to demand the genocide of the human race by emerging on the surface and waging war in order for her people to colonize the surface. The conflict was nearly successful in the extinction of the humans. Seventeen years after Emergence Day, Myrrah was killed by Sgt. Marcus Fenix following the eradication of the Lambent and crystallization of the Locust by Professor Fenix's Imulsion countermeasure. Despite her death, Myrrah's consciousness survived by retreating into the mind of the Matriarch. Unknown to the humans, the Locust that were defeated by the Imulsion countermeasure survived.

In 42 A.E., the Locust emerged from their Imulsion shells and evolved into the Scions. Unable to properly lead them without her body, Myrrah guided the Scions through the Matriarch and the Speaker to create the Swarm, an organism capable of transforming various species into soldiers for their army. Myrrah discovered Reyna was alive and had a daughter, Kait. The Speaker captured Reyna and connected her to the Hive in order for Myrrah to possess her, but Kait disconnected Reyna at her mother's request. The Swarm managed to reanimate Reyna's body, but Myrrah directed the Hivemind towards Kait to possess her healthy, living body. Kait traced her family's origins back to the Mount Kadar lab and killed the Matriarch, severing her link to the Hivemind and forcing Myrrah to possess Reyna's body. Becoming the Swarm's Queen, Myrrah nurtured the Swarm's intelligence and strength. Through Reyna, Myrrah continues the work she started on Emergence Day: to destroy humanity and claim Sera for her people.


Early Life

"One of the miner’s children. [Myrrah] was resistant to aging, disease."
—Dr. Niles Samson about Myrrah's childhood.

Myrrah was born in Tyrus to an Imulsion miner during the early Pendulum Wars. Myrrah's father began to suffer from Rustlung, a fatal respiratory disease caused by long-term exposure to Imulsion fumes. Living in an Imulsion township, Myrrah later became afflicted with this disease but did not display any signs of serious complications compared to the other children, who also exhibited birth defects.

Pendulum Wars

New Hope Research Facility

"[Myrrah] has been exposed to Imulsion levels hitherto known without exception - to be fatal. Yet she displays no detectable cellular degradation at all. Quite the opposite, if anything. We have decided to isolate and observe [Myrrah] closely twenty-six hours a day, while continuing to administer a daily dose of concentrated Imulsion. We tell her it's her medicine and she smiles while she takes it. She is quite eager to be helpful."
—Dr. Niles Samson's analysis of Myrrah at the New Hope Research Facility.

Young Myrrah's intake photo at New Hope.

Due to the newfound health effects of Imulsion exposure, the COG Department of Health established the New Hope Research Facility to house the miners' children, study Imulsion's toxicity, and develop a cure. Myrrah was among the children relocated there for treatment, designated at New Hope as Subject EV-184-9. The Director of the facility, Doctor Niles Samson, began to administer daily doses of concentrated Imulsion to study the progress of Rustlung in the children. He discovered that Imulsion's effects led to cell stress and degradation. However, other cells underwent point mutations that Samson considered beneficial, rather than harmful. During their evaluations, Doctor Torres found that Myrrah displayed no detectable cellular degradation despite being exposed to lethal levels of Imulsion, and instead exhibited cellular regeneration. Torres brought this discovery to Samson and concluded that Myrrah had complete genetic immunity to Imulsion's ill-effects. Myrrah was isolated and given her own furnished bedroom with special privileges, albeit under twenty-six hour surveillance by a two-way mirror. It was hoped her immunity could be replicated in the other children. Myrrah gladly volunteered to be studied, wanting to assist the scientists in curing the others, not knowing she was being injected with raw Imulsion under the guise of taking "medicine".

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Young Myrrah with the New Hope scientists.

With Imulsion's mutagenic properties, Samson proposed that genetic engineering was the answer to resolving Rustlung and began transgenic experiments. Theorizing that indigenous creatures of the Hollow, such as the Riftworms, were genetically immune to Imulsion due to their habitat; Samson mutated the children with the DNA of Hollow animals. The first subject, Ukkon, was mutated by the foreign DNA and developed beneficial traits similar to Myrrah's, including regenerative healing. However, his Rustlung remained untreated and his physical appearance transformed, resembling the Hollow animals. Samson turned his attention on developing the human species rather than a curing them, considering his work had military potential to end the Pendulum Wars as strong and obedient cannon fodder that would spare human Gear lives. These experiments resulted in the children transforming into feral and mindless chimeras called Sires. Myrrah felt compassion for Ukkon and the other Sires, still viewing them as her friends. Samson was ultimately unable to replicate Myrrah's immunity and declared her a medical anomaly. Torres discovered that Myrrah's beneficial response to Imulsion exposure expanded, as her immune system became more resistant to disease and her body's aging process was decelerated to 50% the rate of a normal child.

Due to the highly aggressive nature of the Sires and repeated attacks on staff members, employees of New Hope resigned and leaked information to the press. Inquires into the Department of Health led the COG to discover the unethical experimentation at New Hope. The facility was ordered to shut down, and all involved were indicted by the order of Chairman Monroe. Before the trial, a member of a fringe political party within the COG messaged Samson and expressed their desire to see his work continue without impeding ethics - as they believed the Sires could lead to both a cure for Rustlung and the end of the Pendulum Wars by creating enhanced soldiers against the Union of Independent Republics (UIR). The political group invited him to a laboratory hidden in the underground caverns of Mount Kadar. Before departure, a majority of the Sires were left in stasis at New Hope, guarded by a semi-sentient security system based on Samson's personality. Unable to obtain authorization from Chairman Monroe to use vehicles for transporting the subjects - Samson, the remaining loyal scientists, several dozen Sires under sedation, and Myrrah walked through the Kadar Valley during the night in the snow to avoid being captured. The New Hope scientists and subjects were successful in relocating to the Mount Kadar Laboratory.

Mount Kadar Laboratory

"But when the extent of one very special child's genetic immunity to Imulsion became clear, our work began to soar. That of course, is Myrrah. Or as you know her - Queen Myrrah."
"You bred her with the Sires?"
"Nothing so monstrous. Her stem cells, however, were delightfully complementary to Sire DNA.
—Dr. Niles Samson and Cpl. Kait Diaz about Myrrah.

An adolescent Myrrah in the Mount Kadar lab.

At the Mount Kadar facility, Samson was able to experiment with impunity. Myrrah was groomed by Samson into being his collaborator in genetic research, raising her as his own. The scientists began to hybridize a new species by combining Sire DNA and human embryonic stem cells; which resulted in failed, disfigured offspring. As Myrrah matured into adolescence, Samson extracted her embryonic stem cells and combined them with Sire DNA. The experiment was a success in creating the Matriarch - designated Subject UL-119-2. Able to reproduce, the Matriarch birthed the first generation of Locust Drones. Due to the fungal nature of Imulsion, a collective consciousness was established among the Locust, known as the Hivemind. Myrrah's stem cells being used to create the Locust allowed her control over the Locust telepathically through her temporal lobe. Torres developed a containment module for the Matriarch, as he believed suspending her in cryptochromic fluid and connecting her to Myrrah with a brain-computer interface could amplify the pyschomagnetic bond they shared. When Myrrah was inserted into the device connected to the Matriarch, her telepathic abilities over the Locust significantly increased.


Myrrah and her newborn daughter.

While developing the Locust, their goal was to create an army of physically enhanced soldiers that would obey every command. Samson genetically designed them to be adaptable by withdrawing, hibernating and physically evolving in order to withstand generational conflict. Placed within cell blocks and stasis tanks, the Locust were taught how to communicate through lexigram boards, similar to apes. During their research, Torres developed a relationship with Myrrah. Samson was aware of their sexual relations and reluctantly allowed it to continue so Myrrah could produce a traditional human child with Torres for his teratological studies. Their copulation was successful in conceiving a human daughter, Reyna - designated Subject TE-872-3. Samson discovered that Reyna had inherited her mother's telepathic abilities, decelerated aging, and enhanced immunity. As Reyna became the focus of studies conducted at lab, Torres grew disillusioned by the experiments being done to his daughter. Torres eventually escaped the facility with his infant daughter. Samson was unable to prevent their escape, and thus lied to Myrrah that her daughter was killed in the event in order to keep her from leaving the facility in pursuit of them.

Locust Uprising

"[Reyna] was born here -- and taken from us by her spineless father. Thus causing young Myrrah's unfortunate rebellion."
—Doctor Niles Samson revealing to Cpl. Kait Diaz the cause of Myrrah's rebellion.

Myrrah after the "death" of her daughter.

Samson's lie regarding Reyna's fate was successful at containing Myrrah in the lab to continue their work. However, Myrrah became distraught and developed a hatred for Niles and the other scientists, blaming them for the death of her daughter and imprisoning her to endure a life of torturous experiments. Myrrah began to empathize with her Locust children who longed for independence, as they also felt imprisoned by the human scientists. Myrrah grew obsessed with the Locust, believing to be one of them and no longer identified herself as human. In her sketchbook, she obsessively drew the Locust and demonized caricatures of the scientists. As the Locust adopted the lexigrams, Myrrah began writing in their language. Myrrah continually had sessions with the Matriarch to test the extent of her telepathic powers over the Locust.

Samson and the other scientists began to notice Myrrah's influence over the Locust increasing. Fearing a violent outcome, Samson attempted to separate Myrrah from the Matriarch, as he was concerned for the safety of the scientists. Samson failed as Myrrah had already discovered the full potential of her power. She compelled the Locust to escape from their captivity and fight back. Using pipes and discarded weapons from the soldiers they killed, the Locust slaughtered the scientists and freed the other imprisoned Locust. Fatally wounded, Samson activated the cryogenic lockdown and froze over the entire facility, killing the remaining scientists in an attempt to seal the facility's secrets. Myrrah, assuming her role as Queen of the Locust Horde, led the surviving Locust out of the facility and deeper into the caverns of Mount Kadar. She chose her title as Queen in order to feel more significant in Seran history, more so than the humans who no longer governed with monarchies.

Building the Locust Horde

"Queen Myrrah. It was an odd choice of title. It smacked of termite colonies and ants, an analogy he knew she'd find offensive, but he suspected she'd chosen it in an attempt to make herself feel more embedded in Sera's history, more Seran than the humans who'd long since discarded their monarchies. You know that's not true, Myrrah. You know all about your origins. But this is no time to argue that with you."
—Professor Adam Fenix's inner thoughts on Myrrah's choice of title

Queen Myrrah led her people into a large cavern under Mount Kadar to the create Nexus, the Locust capital. The main palace was built from a stalactite that hung over an Imulsion lake. A city was built on the cliff surrounding the palace. Because the Hollow tunnels and ecosystems were created by the Riftworms, a religion was created to worship them, known as the Trinity of Worms. Thus, a theocratic culture was based on the iconography of worms. To build a strong military and science division, Myrrah had her people find scraps of human technology to repurpose as their own. The Locust Council was established, attended by the highest ranks of the Locust to inform Myrrah on political, scientific, and military matters. Ukkon, who shared the same knowledge of genetic engineering with Myrrah and Niles Samson, became the Locust Horde's resident scientist. Sraak, one of the first Drones ever created, was placed as the High General Uzil of the Locust Army. The first Kantus, Droak, was appointed the High Priest Ketor of the Trinity of Worms.

To build their Horde even stronger, Myrrah used her knowledge of genetic engineering. Indigenous creatures of the Hollow were genetically enhanced and designed by Ukkon to become weapons, vehicles, and machines for the Locust Horde. Locust Drones were able to breed with Berserkers, but another process to create more Drones was to capture humans from the surface and use Niles Samson's research to transform them into Locust Drones.[1] Captured humans who were not used for experiments were either enslaved as labor workers for the Locust Horde or used to feed the Hollow beasts. Sometime later, Ketor Droak the First died and his apprentice, Vrol, was appointed Ketor. Uzil Sraak continued to grow his army, training the young Drones from birth to kill and torture their enemies. While Myrrah held contempt towards humans for making them live underground, she accepted that the Hollow belonged to the Locust by birthright.

Lambent War

Lambent Epidemic

"The Lambent are inferior! The plague must be stopped!"
—Queen Myrrah's propaganda against the Lambent Locust.

Due to being exposed to Imulsion for so many years, the Locust and creatures of the Hollow began to suffer from Lambency. The Imulsion parasite colonized the Locust's cells until their bodies became under its control, known as the Lambent. Able to mutate at will, the Lambent would only exist to infect other organisms and kill any threat. At the end of their life, the Lambent would self-detonate to release the Imulsion in order to spread the plague through the fumes. The Lambent attacked the Locust in the Hollow. Queen Myrrah led the Locust into the Lambent War in 7 B.E., in which they defended their land and lives against the infected.

As the Lambent War went on, the Locust were either killed or became infected, adding more to the Lambent's numbers. In the years before Emergence Day, Myrrah considered enlisting the humans to help aide her people in the war against the Lambent, but she believed that humans only knew dominance and would not understand or accept the Locust, nor would they allow the existence of their involvement with New Hope be made public. Myrrah instead planned an invasion to exterminate the human race and occupy the surface.

Enlisting Human Aid

"I gave your father nearly twenty years to deal with the Lambent! He will deal with it! But not at my people's expense!"
—Queen Myrrah explaining to Sgt. Marcus Fenix his father's responsibilities.

In 9 B.E., Doctor Elain Fenix had made the discovery of the Locust Horde. Before she could reveal her findings to the public, Myrrah had Elain executed. Elain's husband, Professor Adam Fenix, traced her journals to the Hollow where he too would discover Myrrah and her people. Myrrah saw his potential and revealed to him how her people were suffering from an epidemic and civil war, and that if Lambency could not be resolved, they would be forced to emerge and invade the surface. This would also involve killing all of humanity in order to colonize the surface. Adam feared her radical designs. With the resources and influence at his disposal, he agreed to find a cure for Lambancy as long as she did not invade the surface. Myrrah was left content and resumed fighting the Lambent.

Adam's work was left continually without results as he did not inform the other members of the COG about the discovery of the Locust, fearing that it might have had unintended consequences. In addition, the Pendulum Wars were still raging on the surface, forcing him to divert his attention from Lambency research to creating weapons of mass destruction like the Hammer of Dawn to ensure the COG's military and political supremacy on Sera. In the time he had to research Lambency, he discovered that biological measures and cures were unable to stop its evolutionary rate and that any physical measures, such as radiation, would kill the Locust as well due to Imulsion being a part of their DNA. As time went on, Myrrah grew disillusioned with Adam's promise and began making preparations to invade and colonize the surface.[2]

End of the Seventh Cycle

"We could have cooperated with the ground walkers for our mutual salvation, but they are humans, and they only understand dominance and ownership. All that we have left is a war to the death. For all their so-called intelligence, humans are blind to the threat right before their eyes. We never stood a chance of enlisting their aid, so now we fight alone. And we will stand on their corpses to do so."
—Queen Myrrah explaining their "justification" for war.[3]

At the end of the seventh cycle of the Lambent War, Vold RAAM shared his concerns with Queen Myrrah about losing the front to the Lambent, with their people continually dying or becoming infected. Vold RAAM, against the orders of Uzil Sraak, informed Myrrah of his desired plan to emerge and colonize the surface, leaving the Lambent in the Hollow and destroying the human race in the process. Uzil Sraak assured Myrrah their victory in the war with the Lambent, but it was unknown to Sraak that Myrrah already knew of the stakes and had the same plan as RAAM.

In order to convince the Queen, Vold RAAM, with the help of Kantus Skorge and Vold Karn, devised a plan that allowed the Lambent to advance in the Hollow by purposefully withdrawing from the front lines, making Myrrah understand the futility of fighting the Lambent. Following the invasion of Lambent and assault on the Temple of the Trinity, Myrrah demoted Uzil Sraak to Vold and promoted Vold RAAM to Uzil, the High General of the Locust Horde. Myrrah revealed to Uzil RAAM that she too had been surveying the surface and planning an invasion. Myrrah and Uzil RAAM devised the emergence and attack of the surface that would become Emergence Day.

Locust War

Emergence Day

"The humans of Sera built a glorious civilization, but humans were not destined to create. They ultimately did what they do best. Destroy. But this was nothing, compared to a new threat from below. An enemy that will force humanity to take their last, inevitable steps, toward extinction."
—Queen Myrrah addressing the Locust before she launched Emergence Day.

Queen Myrrah, after years of planning, waited until the end of the Pendulum Wars to strike at the humans. After delivering a final speech to her troops - Myrrah unleashed her horde six weeks after the end of the Pendulum Wars. Uzil RAAM and Kantus Skorge led a large army to the city of Jannermont, while Zamil Karn led dozens of Blights into the Republic of Gorasnaya. Vold Sraak was lost during the First Battle of Jannermont - executed by Uzil RAAM for treason - losing one of the best warriors of the Horde. Every major city on Sera was attacked except for key cities located on the Jacinto Plateau due to its granite bedrock. Other cities located on island chains such as the South Islands and Lesser Islands Chain were also spared due to oceanic trenches. Myrrah was successful in the surprise invasion on Sera's surface. After twenty-six hours, 25% of the human race was killed and millions more were captured by the Horde. The Locust continued to emerge and occupy Seran cities, butcher humans indiscriminately, and scrap for resources.

Occupying Sera

"For a time, the humans of Sera knew the illusion of peace. . . until Emergence Day. At that moment, our people broke free from our subterranean world, erupting into the domain of these ground walkers, and wiping out whole cities. We fought and killed the humans on their fine boulevards, in their homes, on their battlefields. And they fought back. In time, their valiant defense was crushed. With billions dead, humans denied their enemy control by destroying their own civilization. They launched devastating attacks on their own territory—sacrificing their own citizens—so that we could not possess it. Such is their loathing and fear of us. Understand what a world must do to survive—what humans must do, and what we must do. But survive we must. Now the humans’ long struggle against overwhelming odds approaches the final, desperate stand..."
—Queen Myrrah on the Locust War.[4]

In the following year of emergence, the Queen's army conquered most of the surface for colonization and captured new Seran technology. Queen Myrrah was aware that among the last safe places on Sera were the cities located on the Jacinto Plateau. Myrrah believed that they could reach Ephyra by conquering cities on the Jacinto Plateau by surrounding the city - allowing for her soldiers to dig deeper into the plateau. Myrrah and the Locust Horde suffered a major loss during the Destruction of Halvo Bay, when Zamil Karn was killed by Colonel Ezra Loomis after the Shibboleth was destroyed. Though Halvo Bay would ultimately fall, the Locust lost one of their top generals, as well as thousands of troops to the Lightmass Missile, utilized by Kilo Squad, and the staging ground of the Museum of Military Glory.

With the COG being the last main human force, Myrrah went forward to attack Tyrus and attempted to conquer Ephyra to destroy the rest of humanity. Newly elected Chairman Richard Prescott fortified the Jacinto Plateau before launching the Hammer of Dawn Strikes, destroying 90% of Sera's surface outside the Jacinto Plateau and denied the Locust the ability to scavenge human technology from the cities they conquered and stage their ground near Ephyra. As most of the Locust Army was underground, the Locust did not suffer many casualties as the COG had anticipated. Their only major loss was the occupation of land and technology. The humans suffered more in comparison, as millions were killed by their own and the Hammer Strikes caused irreversible environmental damage to the surface. In that time, the Locust inhabited the Deadlands and charred remains of Sera. Myrrah pushed her Locust as the Lambent continued to advance in the Hollow.

Her campaign of occupying the remains of Sera was led by Chief Scientist Ukkon. During his campaign, he managed to discover Dr. Torres and Myrrah's long lost daughter, Reyna, hiding in a laboratory in Zenic, Vasgar. Ukkon killed Dr. Torres and imprisoned Reyna, reclaiming Myrrah's old amulet. Reyna was rescued by a convoy of Gears led by Sgt. Gabriel Diaz. The convoy attacked Ukkon's laboratory, resulting in Reyna killing Ukkon. Reyna later married Gabriel and remained as a Stranded, while Myrrah lost her best scientist and as well as the lead on her estranged daughter. With the loss of Vold Sraak, Zamil Karn, and High Scientist Ukkon in the first year of the Locust War, Myrrah withdrew her forces.

While still engaging on the front lines, the Locust Horde needed to resupply themselves for the great push towards Ephyra. For the next nine years, Myrrah's targets would be cities on the Jacinto Plateau that would gradually lead the Locust to Ephyra and Jacinto City. The Locust reemerged in 5 A.E. and attacked the town of Landown during the Winter of Sorrow. The citizens were evacuated to Jacinto as Landown was occupied by the Locust. Cities on the Jacinto Plateau, like Landown, were targets for Locust occupation in order to use as staging grounds to reach Ephyra. With utilizing Uzil RAAM, Seeders, Nemacysts and the Kryll, Myrrah conquered cities using the Kryllstorms to kill all the humans and allow Locust occupation and victory. This practice was used for stepping stones to Ephyra until 10 A.E.

Assault on Ilima

"With Ilima under our control, we will be but one step away from Ephyra. Without the protection of their capital city, the humans will be left with nothing."
—Myrrah to RAAM, during the attack on Ilima City

In 9 A.E., Myrrah directed Uzil RAAM to attack the city of Ilima with a Kryllstorm. She planned on using the city as a stepping stone to an attack on the COG capital of Ephyra, which she hoped would end the war. As RAAM entered the city, Myrrah communicated with him telepathically, ordering him to destroy all humans and to escort a Tremor to various points in the city so it could summon Seeders and continue the process of inking up the sky, allowing the Kryll to advance on the city faster. Myrrah monitored his progress as RAAM went from one emergence point to the next and guided him when the COG brought out various heavy weapons and vehicles to try and stop him.

Once the last Seeder needed for the area was summoned, Myrrah ordered RAAM to move on to the next zone, and eagerly anticipated the cities fall.[5] Myrrah ordered RAAM and his elite forces to attack downtown Ilima.[6]. Uzil RAAM led an assault at the last evacuation point in Ilima, the Children's School of Hope, led by Lt. Minh Young Kim. Uzil Raam was successful in killing Pvt. Alicia Valera and inking the skies enough for the Locust and Kryll to occupy Ilima, but was wounded in action and unable to destroy the last convoy evacuating from Ilima. With Ilima under their control, they were one more step from Ephyra and continued on with their campaign to destroy the capital city.

Fall of Ephyra

"Adam, you knew this day would come. [...] We do need you. And we shall take you. I hope you’re not planning anything foolish. You have responsibilities, Adam."
—Queen Myrrah's threat to collect Professor Adam Fenix.[7]

After a decade of the Locust War, Queen Myrrah had succeeded in her campaign of conquering major cities of Tyrus as major staging grounds in order to attack and conquer Ephyra. Myrrah and Uzil RAAM launched the ultimate assault on Ephyra. They would soon conquer the last major human capital, leaving the COG with nowhere else but Jacinto City, and would capture Professor Adam Fenix and further continue his responsibility to cure the Lambent. During which, Professor Adam Fenix delivered a message to Myrrah personally expressing that he could help, but only if she were to call for peace and both the COG and Locust could solve Lambency harmoniously. Myrrah returned the message declaring that they would capture him, and any resistance will be met with his son's capture and death. Adam responded that killing him won't bring him to save Sera, but agreed to surrender peacefully. Myrrah sent Uzil RAAM and her troops during the attack to amass outside Haldane Hall.

Professor Fenix sent a final message of goodbye to his son, Marcus Fenix, and that the Locust had broken through East Barricade Academy to his house. Sgt. Marcus Fenix perceived this as a distress call and responded by defying his orders to destroy the Chancery Bridge and brought Cpl. Dominic Santiago, Cpl. Jace Stratton, and Cpl. Tai Kaliso back at the house with the Hammer of Dawn. The Locust attacked the house as Sgt. Fenix fought them off while the Professor gathered his research. As the King Raven began to land for evac, it was hit by enemy forces and crashed into side of the house, burying Professor Fenix in the rubble and appearing that he had been crushed to death. Sgt. Fenix retreated as the Onyx Guard searched the rubble of the house and discovered that Professor Fenix had survived. Chairman Prescott ordered to be taken to Azura. To everyone else, including Myrrah, Professor Fenix had died during the battle. Myrrah ordered the Locust to take the house and the rest of Ephyra, making Myrrah mostly successful, pushing the humans back to their last city, Jacinto.

Lightmass Offensive

"I am pleased with our progress. I understand they have located another squad. Our strategy remains the same. Cut off the head of the snake and the body dies. We will win this war. It's only a matter of time."
—Queen Myrrah to General RAAM on his search and destroy missions in the ruins of Ephyra

Four years after Queen Myrrah invaded and conquered Ephyra, and failing to collect Professor Adam Fenix, the COG created the Lightmass Bomb and Sonic Resonator for the Lightmass Offensive. This involved the COG Army invading the Hollow with the Sonic Resonator in order to produce a three-dimensional map data of the Locust tunnels. The data would then find the heart of the network and direct the Lightmass Bomb to destroy it, thereby destroying the Locust stronghold and ending the war. Myrrah was aware of their plans and sent her forces led by Uzil RAAM to the ruins of Ephyra to prevent them from doing so. There, the Locust trapped and ambushed Alpha Squad carrying the Resonator. They managed to separate Alpha into two remnants in the House of Sovereigns and Tomb of the Unknowns. Using Seeders and Nemacyst, the Locust also managed to isolate them from each other and Coalition High Command. The COG sent Delta-One to rescue Alpha and retrieve the Resonator. After Delta managed to rescue the surviving members of Alpha Squad and secured the Resonator, Myrrah had Uzil RAAM ambush them and personally hunt down their squad leaders, thereby scrambling their men - which resulted in Uzil RAAM assassinating Lt. Minh Young Kim.

Delta Squad managed to survive their loss and still continued to plant the Resonator at the Lethia Imulsion Facility, but it failed. However, Cpl. Damon Baird found a Geobot that contained more tunnel data than the Resonator. Lt. Anya Stroud discovered the source from East Barricade Academy in Haldane Hall, the childhood home of Delta Squad's current leader, Sgt. Marcus Fenix. Col. Victor Hoffman ordered Delta to EBA and find the rest of the data, during which Uzil RAAM overheard the orders through the radio of a captured Gear. Myrrah sent forces to East Barricade and the house to prevent the COG from retrieving the data. In a failed attempt to do so, Myrrah realized the bomb was being placed on a train, and sent her forces to hijack the train. Meanwhile, Myrrah separated Delta from the Tyro Pillar in Timgad by removing power from Timgad Bridge, infesting the area with Seeders and Nemacysts to isolate Delta, and sent in a Brumak to hunt them down. Delta managed to remove all threats and resupply power to the bridge. Once Delta boarded the Tyro Pillar, Myrrah ordered Uzil RAAM to prevent them from launching the bomb. Sgt. Marcus Fenix killed Uzil RAAM and the Lightmass Bomb was deployed.

"They do not understand. They do not know why we wage this war. Why we cannot stop. Will not stop. Why we will fight and fight and fight. Until we win... Or we die. And we are not dead yet."
—Queen Myrrah after the Lightmass Bombing.
UE Myrrah

Myrrah witnessing the Lightmass Bombing.

Queen Myrrah witnessed the Lightmass Bombing above the surface, aboard her Tempest mount, and pledged that the Locust Horde would only grow stronger and that they would not stop fighting until they win or die trying.[8] The Lightmass Bomb destroyed the Outer Hollow and Locust citadel, causing heavy damage to the Horde as they still had to deal with the Lambent and the COG forces. With Nexus also damaged, the Horde seem to recede. Within the first month after the bomb, however, Myrrah discovered the Lightmass Bomb had awoken the Riftworm, a gargantuan worm that was perceived to the Locust as one of their gods within the Trinity of Worms. With the information at hand from Pressor Adam Fenix that sinking Jacinto City would flood the Hollow and drown all those underground, she sought a plan to use the Riftworm to sink key cities and bases around Jacinto City to weaken its base and sink the city, killing the Lambent and denying the humans their last stronghold.

Sinking of Tollen and Montevado

"It began, as always, with the desire for power. A need to conquer, a hunger to consume. Inevitably, this led to conflict. Humanity fought an endless battle against itself, until it was forced to unite against a power far greater than it had ever known. But even united, humanity left only destruction in its wake. Despite their best efforts at survival, the humans of Sera continue to march blindly to their imminent doom; unaware, that their misguided attempts at retaliation were only leading them ever closer to extinction. They had thought us crippled by their weapons of mass destruction. But to survive is to endure and prosper. And we have most certainly survived. Jacinto now stands as the last bastion for humanity. A final, desperate defense in the face of impossible odds. In a way, I pity them. But humanity, as always, brought this war upon itself."
—Queen Myrrah explaining Sera's history and her plans to sink Jacinto.

Myrrah's forces were dwindled due to Uzil RAAM's demise and the Lightmass bombing. Ketor Skorge, the High Priest of the Kantus, was requested by Uzil RAAM to take his place in the event of his death and was promoted to High General to lead the army in a campaign against the Serans. Uzil Skorge was more savage than RAAM, but could also command the Riftworm. With Lambency spreading in the Hollow, Locust forces were more desperate than ever to colonize the surface, rebuilding Queen Myrrah and Uzil Skorge's new army. Within six months, Uzil Skorge was successful in leading the Riftworm to the sinking of Tollen and Montevado, two major Seran cities, weakening Jacinto's foundation.

With the Riftworm sinking human cities around Jacinto City, Myrrah's desperate plans involved pushing her troops deeper into Jacinto. Myrrah sent the Locust and Uzil Skorge to key places of attack such as Jacinto Command, Pomeroy Depot, and Jacinto Medical Center. The COG managed to repel these attacks, but the recent attacks as well as the sinking of Tollen and Montevado confirmed their fears that the Locust survived the Lightmass Bombing and were sinking cities, with Jacinto possibly being the next target. With humanity's back pushed against the wall, the COG prepared a massive counter assault to invade the Inner Hollow, destroy the Locust stronghold, and to stop the Locust Horde once and for all in Operation Hollow Storm.[9]

Operation: Hollow Storm

"The Riftworm weakened Jacinto's base. Now all we have to do is finish the task!"
—Queen Myrrah encouraging her people to fight towards sinking Jacinto.

The COG launched the Operation on the 2nd Frost, 14 A.E., with their location of deployment at Landown. Queen Myrrah sent troops to defend the captured Landown with an army deployed in the Stromson Forest and Landown Highway to prevent the COG from digging in. Although managing to destroy a large number of troops and their Assault Derricks, the Locust failed to stop the oncoming stream of Gears. Once the COG had found a dig zone in Landown, Myrrah sent a Blight of Locust and Keter Skorge personally to the dig zone, destroying and capturing many soldiers for Processing.

With the COG's presence in the Inner Hollow, Myrrah alerted forward bases, the temples, and Ketor Skorge about their incoming attack. Myrrah ordered Ketor Skorge to sink the city of Ilima, but the sinking of the city lead to the COG's discovery of the Riftworm and ultimately its death at the hand of Delta Squad. Her plan was set back, but Jacinto was sitting on its final pillars. With knowledge of the COG headed towards the New Hope Research Facility in order to discover the location of the true Locust stronghold, Myrrah sent troops to the facility prevent the humans from locating their capital. Locust troops barricaded Mount Kadar after the humans managed to learn their location. With a team force infiltrating the Locust work camps, Highway, and Nexus itself, the humans launched the Beacon and commanded troops to Nexus.

"You're the first Humans to ever desecrate this palace with your presence. And I assure you, you will most certainly be the last."
—Queen Myrrah upon meeting Delta Squad in the Nexus Palace during Operation Hollow Storm.

In the midst of the second wave of Operation: Hollow Storm, both Lambent and COG forces attacked Nexus. However, only Delta Squad infiltrated the Royal Palace while the Lambent and COG held the rest Locust off. Ketor Skorge attended to the command center after one of the soldiers taunted her over the speaker system. However, Ketor Skorge reported back that the son of Adam Fenix, Sgt. Marcus Fenix, was in the control room and discovered Adam Fenix's plans to sink Jacinto to flood the Hollow. The information led the COG to decide to sink Jacinto before the Locust could evacuate.


Queen Myrrah confronting Delta Squad.

Before escaping Nexus, Myrrah ordered Blights of the Locust to begin evacuation and emerge in Jacinto City. Myrrah awaited Delta Squad and Sgt. Marcus Fenix in person. Myrrah was determined that the Locust would sink Jacinto first and kill both the humans and Lambent due to the full invasion of Jacinto was underway. Myrrah then taunted Sgt. Marcus Fenix with her relationship with his father, Professor Adam Fenix. Myrrah then escaped and ordered Ketor Skorge to destroy Delta Squad. Cpl. Damon Baird and Pvt. Augustus Cole attempted to follow her, but Myrrah escaped on a Reaver and left the Hollow before the humans could sink Jacinto and flood the Hollow themselves, eradicating the majority of the Locust Horde forces.

Sinking of Jacinto

"Your world can end in the blink of an eye. One event, one unexpected twist of fate, and suddenly the world as you knew it... is gone forever. All that you held dear, all that you held close... is washed away into the sea of distant memory. Life... is cruel. Of this, I have no doubt. But life continues on... with, or without you. One can only hope that one leaves behind a lasting legacy. But so often, the legacies we leave behind... are not the ones that we intended."
—Queen Myrrah after the flooding of the Hollow.

Myrrah failed to evacuate most of the Locust Horde on time and did not sink Jacinto City before the humans could. The humans successfully flooded the Hollow, destroyed Nexus, and killed nearly all Locust forces underground. Myrrah reflected on the life she and the Locust knew will never be the same, but they had to carry on like they always have. After the sinking of Jacinto, Myrrah's armies either scattered or were completely lost in the flooding of the Hollow. Most of the Horde went savage without her, relocating to the Deadlands to try and recreate their lost homes. Queen Myrrah took what was left of her loyal soldiers and reorganized them into the Queen's Guard. Myrrah relocated her loyalist forces and set their base at Endeavor Naval Shipyard in Halvo Bay.

Lambent Pandemic

Surviving the Lambent

Myrrah spent the following three years settled in Endeavor attempting to rebuild her army. The seawater that flooded the Hollow following the sinking of Jacinto raised the Imulsion onto the surface of Sera - initiating the Lambent Pandemic. Fruiting bodies of Imulsion, known as stalks, began to emerge and unleashed polyps to spread the infection. Many more members of the Locust Horde fell to the Lambent pathogen.

Skirmish at Endeavor

"Monitor it. Take a vessel and approach it by sea. I believe we have found the groundwalkers' refuge."
—Queen Myrrah ordering the Locust to track KR Zero-Four.
Myrrah planning

Myrrah finding Azura.

Unknown to Myrrah, and most of the surviving humans of Sera, there was one last human refuge not found by the Locust or Lambent - Azura, an island that held the last of the human scientists and politicians who were attempting to cure Lambency before the entire planet became infected. Chairman Prescott sent several forces back to the mainland on a recon mission to study Lambent samples for Professor Adam Fenix's research in preparation of the Imulsion Countermeasure Weapon. As they flew to the mainland, KR Zero-Four spotted Myrrah's army in Endeavor. The Locust opened fire at the Raven and sent out Reavers to chase them down. KR-04 reported back to the Azura CIC that the Locust had reorganized, and Professor Fenix knew only Myrrah had that power of organization. Myrrah ordered her Reavers to find the origin of the Raven since not all the humans had scattered into nomadic tribes, and that if they had a location safe from the Lambent, the Locust could use it as well.

One month after the recon mission, a Beast Rider found an artificial hurricane around Azura, but was unable to bypass it. Myrrah ordered a ship to observe the artificial storm. Myrrah later arrived by Gas Barge at Azura to observe how it operated. When a King Raven nearby was returning to Azura, the hurricane dissipated, revealing a beam that generated the hurricane: the Adaptive Atmospheric Manipulation System. Myrrah ordered a group of Drones to dive under the maelstrom and attack the power source at night. A group of six Drones swam past the underwater mines and were able to land on the island and attack the generator room. They were able to kill an Onyx Guard stationed there, but a scientist managed to set off the alarm. While the Drones were able to disable the generator, they had lost the element of surprise. With the whole island on high alert, the Onyx Guard mobilized for the upcoming battle.

Siege of Azura

Myrrah sent all of her available forces to take Azura, including herself aboard the Tempest. Her army came in from both sides, spreading the COG defense thin. While her forces landed, the civilians ran to the air raid shelters and the Onyx Guard requested more air support. Myrrah surveyed the battlefield from atop her Tempest. The Locust invaded the interior of the island and began massacring everyone inside. Myrrah ordered the Locust not to harm any human in a lab coat, as she knew the COG were planning something they Locust could potentially use, as well. While Professor Fenix and other members of the Onyx Guard retreated to the roof of Pinnacle Tower, Paul Dury and Prescott were holed up in an elevated position trying to reach Fenix and Nevil Estrom. Myrrah was able to listen in on their conversation. Discovering that Adam Fenix was still alive after seven years, she sent her forces to Pinnacle Tower to secure Adam.

With Fenix refusing to leave and sending Prescott off to find Hoffman and Marcus to fight the Locust, Adam waited in his office. Myrrah reached his suite and was greeted by Adam. After Myrrah discovered that he had been working on the Imulsion Countermeasure that would kill both the Lambent and Locust, Myrrah took over the island and had everyone executed except for Adam, who was imprisoned in his room. Prescott was able to escape and returned to the CNV Sovereign. In that time, Myrrah reactivated the Maelstrom and ordered Fenix to retune the weapon to kill Lambent and Humans while sparing the Locust. After learning that there were more Locust survivors severed from the hivemind in the Seran Deadlands, Myrrah traveled there to recruit the Savage Locust back into their original cause in preparation for the final battle.

Recruiting the Savage Locust

"It's him. Alert the fleet. I want every outpost between here and Azura at full readiness. And make sure we don't lose him again."
—Queen Myrrah seeing Marcus Fenix from her Tempest mount.

Queen Myrrah seeing Marcus Fenix for the first time since Operation Hollow Storm.

Myrrah returned to the Seran Deadlands a short time later to gain more troops. Myrrah was alerted of Gears nearby and, on her Tempest escorted by two Reavers near the Locust airport, spotted Marcus Fenix and his squad while they fought through a Savage Locust outpost in the Deadlands. Knowing Marcus was aware of his father's status and location, Myrrah ordered every outpost between the Deadlands and Azura be on high alert to Fenix's presence to protect her plan from human intervention. After Delta stole a Gas Barge and traveled through the Anvegad Plains, Myrrah attacked them with her personal Tempest mount and brought the barge down near Anvil Gate.

With Delta crash-landing near a human fortress, Myrrah sent a battalion of her forces to kill the squad and everyone else at Anvil Gate.[10] The Gears defended Anvil Gate from both Locust and Lambent. After discovering the location of Azura from A2897, the humans devised a plan of retrieving Imulsion from Mercy or Char to fuel the CNV Adamant at Endeavor. Realizing the path the humans would take, Myrrah set up forces and roadblocks to prevent the humans from going on any further. When the humans pushed through and managed to drive into Mercy, Myrrah sent her forces to them. After Delta retrieved the fuel, they were cornered by the Queen's forces and the Lambent Humans overrunning Mercy, forcing Cpl. Dominic Santiago to sacrifice himself by destroying the tanks to kill the Locust and Lambent.

Protecting the Plan

"Marcus Fenix seems to be as persistent as his father - and just as predictable. If he lives, our entire species dies. Make sure that his touching little mission ends here."
—Queen Myrrah addressing the Armored Kantus in Endeavour.
Queen, Armored Kantus

Queen Myrrah telling her Armored Kantus to stop Delta-One at all costs.

After Marcus Fenix and his squad escaped, they entered Char, ground zero of the Hammer of Dawn Strikes, to retrieve fuel offered there. While retrieving the fuel for them and Aaron Griffin, Myrrah personally attacked Griffin Tower and ordered her Palace Guards to sweep up any remaining survivors.

Myrrah went ahead of Delta towards Endeavor and saw them coming towards the base. While she noted that Marcus was similar to his father in persistence and predictability, she sent her forces, including the Armored Kantus, to stop Delta from reaching Azura. The Armored Kantus failed to stop Delta from using the Adamant to reach Azura by travelling under the Maelstrom.

Battle of Azura

"Marcus Fenix! What a loyal son you are! But I can't let you release your father! I gave your father nearly twenty years to deal with the Lambent. He will deal with it, but not at my people's expense! Listen to me, Marcus Fenix! I will not let my people die! We have a right to live! A right to this world! Your father must complete his task!"
—Queen Myrrah attempting to prevent Sgt. Marcus Fenix from releasing Professor Adam Fenix.

Queen Myrrah confronting Marcus in Pinnacle Tower.

Myrrah's guards failed to stop Delta from destroying the Maelstrom generator, which allowed the COG and UIR reinforcements to lay siege to Azura. With Marcus now inside the hotel and moving closer to Adam's location, and the sudden appearance of the Lambent, Myrrah decided to personally stop Marcus. Bursting through the upper floors of Pinnacle Tower, Myrrah used the Tempest's fire breath against Delta. The Gears dropped an enormous counterweight on the Tempest, sending Myrrah to the ground floor and leaving her for dead.

Only slightly inconvenienced by being hit with a multi-ton weight, Myrrah and her Tempest followed Delta to the roof after they liberated Adam to try and stop Imulsion countermeasure. Myrrah was attacked by a King Raven, gunned by Pvt. Clayton Carmine, prompting the Tempest to shoot it down. Myrrah, using her Tempest and Palace Guard reinforcements, attempted to stop Delta. When her Tempest took enough damage, it fell to the roof while the humans deployed the Hammer of Dawn against it. Myrrah ultimately attacked the countermeasure itself, demanding that Adam stand down.


"Hubris! Ah so pious and moral! Even now! Your father always thought he had all the answers, but he had none! Nothing but clever ways to kill! The Hammer of Dawn, Jacinto, and now this! And his arrogance finally killed him!"
—Queen Myrrah's last words.
Marcus kills Myrrah

Marcus kills Myrrah by stabbing her with Dom's Commando Knife.

After multiple Hammer blasts, the Tempest finally died and Professor Adam Fenix's Imulsion countermeasure was activated. Imulsion and all Lambent lifeforms across Sera disintegrated, while the majority of the Locust and Hollow creatures collapsed into a comatose state and formed an Imulsion crystalline shell over their bodies. Professor Adam Fenix was also killed by the Imulsion countermeasure as he had high levels of Imulsion in his body due to experimenting on himself first.

Myrrah survived the Hammer blasts and collapse of the Tempest. She extracted herself from the Tempest's carcass, her face burned, and gloated Adam’s death to his son and how he could only create weapons of mass destruction. Marcus then stabbed Myrrah in the abdomen with Dominic Santiago's commando knife to avenge him and the billions of humans that were killed by Myrrah in the Locust War. Queen Myrrah died in a pool of her own blood while her Locust were neutralized by the Imulsion countermeasure.[11]

Swarm Invasion

Reemergence of the Locust

"My children will never die. They have been designed to withstand generational conflict. They may withdraw, they may hibernate, but they will always return. We have seen to that."
—Dr. Niles Samson revealing the Locust were designed to survive.

Unknown to the rest of humanity, the Locust did not die, nor did Myrrah's consciousness.[12] Dr. Samson was successful in creating the Locust as an evolutionary species, designed to adapt and survive generational conflict. The Locust Hivemind remained intact, with the consciousness of Myrrah still within as she possessed the Matriarch. After twenty-five years of peace on Sera, in 42 A.E., the Locust emerged from their crystalline shells, evolved, as the Scions. In order to rebuild their army, the Scions reorganized themselves into the Swarm. The Swarm was a bio-organism consisting of creatures that could capture humans and transform them into soldiers for their army.

The Swarm still lacked a physical Queen. While the Scions were intelligent enough to lead the Swarm, they were in need of a Queen to be able to grow. Myrrah's consciousness managed to minimally guide them through the Matriarch, but she was unable to fully act as their Queen without a body. Myrrah discovered her daughter Reyna was still alive despite Dr. Samson's claims and had inherited her mother's connection to the Hivemind, making her an ideal Queen. In order to lead the Swarm, Myrrah sought to connect her daughter to a Hive so she could transform her Reyna and possess her body to become the Swarm's Queen.

Ambush on Fort Umson

"[Reyna] is where she belongs!"
—The Speaker as Reyna was being prepared as the Swarm's Queen.

At the time of the Swarm emergence, Reyna was leading an Outsider village and had a daughter named Kait Diaz, who also inherited a connection to the Locust Hivemind. Myrrah guided an Elite Scion, known as the Speaker, to attack the village and capture Reyna. While her people were transported to the Hive below Fort Reval to be transformed into Juvies, Reyna was taken to the Tollen Dam where she was connected to the heart of the Hive, bound so that separation would be fatal.

Kait Diaz launched a rescue mission for her mother, uncle, and the rest of their people. Accompanying her were Sgt. Marcus Fenix, his son, James Dominic Fenix, and their friend, Delmont Walker. During the Mission to Fort Reval, Marcus Fenix was captured by a Snatcher and podded, placed within the Hivemind. There, he saw Reyna being transfigured into their Queen at the Tollen Dam. Once released, Marcus directed the rescue mission towards the dam. Unknown to the rest, Marcus knew that Reyna was beyond saving.

Arriving with reinforcements at the Tollen Dam, the Speaker confronted Kait Diaz and insisted that Reyna didn't need to be rescued but instead left to be with the Swarm as their new Queen. Kait Diaz killed the Speaker and continued into the Hive. Just as the connection began to mutate and possess Reyna, her daughter came to her rescue. Reyna begged Kait for release and death, which Kait reluctantly obliged. Reyna's body was left in the heart of the Hive, as Kait was left with Reyna's amulet of the Locust Horde that once belonged to Myrrah.

Targeting Kait Diaz

"You are meant for this. Do not be afraid. They are yours. Feel them. Use them. Embrace this."
—Queen Myrrah attempting to connect Kait to the Swarm Hivemind.

While Myrrah initially failed to possess Reyna, her body was still within the Hive. The Swarm reconnected Reyna's body and resurrected her, though Myrrah's vessel was no longer ideal. Her attention was directed towards Kait, the next in line. Using Kait's connection to the Hivemind, Myrrah began to haunt Kait with visions, premonitions, hallucinations, and nightmares. They were meant as messages attempting to cause Kait paranoia and distrust among her friends. As Kait rejoined the COG and launched Hammer of Dawn satellites against the Swarm, Myrrah led the Swarm to occupy Settlement 2.

Four months after the battle of Settlement 2, Myrrah led an attack on Riftworm Village, where a Snatcher was able to capture Kait and physically connect her to the Swarm. Myrrah used Kait's connection to force her into commanding the soldiers within the Hivemind and lead the attack, resulting in the death of her uncle. Sgt. Marcus Fenix and Cpt. James Fenix were able to free Kait from the Snatcher. Kait revealed her visions and the Locust emblem to her friends. Due to her connection to the Locust, Sgt. Fenix advised she and Lt. Walker go the New Hope Research Facility to uncover the truth and a potential solution.

Mission to New Hope

"You went off on your own. You don't care about any of them. Who could trust you, now?"
—Myrrah posing as JD in Kait's vision.

After for traveling hours on the Skiff, Cpl. Diaz and Lt. Walker arrived in the Kadar Valley and discovered the train tunnel that would lead them to New Hope, but was sealed by the reformed COG. Entering through a hole created by the Swarm, Cpl. Diaz experienced a vision in which Myrrah, posed as JD, exploited Cpl. Diaz's fear of JD not trusting her and betraying her friends. Myrrah, sowing doubt and paranoia in her granddaughter, asked Kait who could trust her now.

Cpl. Diaz and Lt. Walker then arrived at the New Hope Research Facility. After traversing the lab, she discovered Myrrah's personalized cell and Dr. Samson's patient analysis file on her - detailing her boosted immune system and decelerated aging when exposed to doses of concentrated Imulsion. Cpl. Diaz and Lt. Walker reactivated the A.I. security system modeled after Niles Samson. JACK, entering the system, recovered corrupted files mentioning Kadar - the nearby mountain where the last of the New Hope scientists fled before the facility closed. The Flock entered the facility and hacked the mainframe, causing the facility to self-destruct.

Incursions in Kadar Valley

"That necklace - that's a Locust symbol."
"Yeah. I saw."
"And if given the choice between us or them --"
"-- she'd choose them. I get that."
"Then you know what to do, right?
—Myrrah posing as JD Fenix and Delmont Walker in another hallucination.

Cpl. Diaz and Lt. Walker managed to escape the facility. Sgt. Fenix revealed that the lab in hidden in Mount Kadar could be located through Communication Towers 1A North and 2A East in the Kadar Valley. As Kait continued on her journey to the Mount Kadar laboratory, Myrrah increased the frequency and intensity of her visions. After Cpl. Diaz entered the first communications tower, Myrrah posed as JD Fenix and Del Walker in a vision - recreating their conversation that Kait observed before leaving the Riftworm Village. Myrrah continued to sow paranoia and mistrust as she displayed the two believing Cpl. Diaz to be the enemy and to take her out if necessary.

At the second communications tower, Myrrah induced another vision posing as Oscar Diaz, reinforcing Kait's guilt in his death by declaring that she killed him. After triangulating the signal from the two towers, Cpl. Diaz and Lt. Walker found the lab to be under a frozen lake. Unable to get through, Lt. Walker suggested an explosive that could be found in an abandoned Nethercutt mine. Upon entering the mines, Myrrah once again created another vision in which she replicated Reyna's last moments - asking Kait to cut her lose. Despite this, Cpl. Diaz recovered the explosive and deployed it on the frozen lake - gaining access to the lab below.

Mission to Mount Kadar Laboratory

"Sooner or later they’ll know who you really are. You withhold the truth! Why are you resisting? They can’t beat the Swarm. You’re nearly there, my child. Stop fighting. The pain will cease. You don’t belong with them. You’re one of us!"
—Myrrah persuading her granddaughter to join the Swarm.

Myrrah appearing to Kait through the Hivemind.

Upon arriving at the Mount Kadar Laboratory, Myrrah began persuading Cpl. Diaz to join the Swarm as their new Queen, but Kait resisted. Myrrah physically appeared to Kait in one of her visions, but Kait pushed Myrrah to get out of her head and stabbed the vision with her combat knife, causing Myrrah to vanish. Kait and Lt. Walker were met by the artificial intelligence of Niles Samson, who explained to Kait that Myrrah's embryonic stem cells were combined with Sire DNA to create the Locust Horde. Niles also revealed that Myrrah conceived Reyna with Dr. Torres, making Myrrah Kait's grandmother. Kait then learned that her grandfather fled with Reyna, and Myrrah's grief caused her to lead a rebellion to slaughter the scientists and declared independence. With Myrrah's stem cells used to create the Hivemind that connected her with the Locust Horde, Kait had inherited that same connection.

Kait threatened Niles to delete him if he didn't assist in severing her link to Myrrah and the Locust before she could be made Queen of the Swarm, causing them to evolve and become more intelligent and dangerous. Severing the link involved damaging the temporal lobe, the part that is connected to the Hivemind. Niles induced anesthesia in the imaging machine and transported Kait's consciousness into the Matriarch's where he used Kait to physically awaken Reyna. Myrrah's consciousness was directed into Reyna's body, becoming Queen once again. The Matriarch escaped and killed the Niles Bot before attacking Kait and Del. Myrrah used Kait's residual link to the Hivemind through the Matriarch by projecting her voice into Kait's mind and distorting her vision, particularly as the Matriarch got weaker. Kait was able to kill the Matriarch despite Myrrah's attempts to stop her. While Kait's temporal connection to the Hivemind remained intact, she managed to sever the amplifying Matriarch, making Kait no longer vulnerable to the Hivemind.

Building the Swarm

"If they really got their Queen, and Niles is right about what happens next, we need a new plan."
"No, we need the old plan. We need the Hammer of Dawn.
—Lt. Delmont Walker and Cpl. Kait Diaz discussing Queen Reyna.

True to Niles Samson's word, after Reyna was resurrected by Myrrah and made Queen of the Swarm - the Swarm grew and became more intelligent. The Drones began fighting more aggressively and tactically, with more precision and self-preservation. In the weeks after Reyna became their Queen, the Swarm was in the process of constructing armor and building their own weapons, such as the Claw Light Machine Gun, in similar fashion to how the Locust Horde built their army. The Swarm were also able to intercept the humans plans and gain intelligence, as Queen Reyna was aware that the humans were attempting to reactivate the Hammer of Dawn, but the only available remnants resided in the OZP-11 of Vasgar.

The survivors in Vasgar, known as Nomads led by Garron Paduk, began to notice the advancement in Swarm intelligence and technology - as well as better coordination in attacks, such as cutting off their water supply and convoys. Several weeks after being reawakened, Queen Reyna traveled to the red desert of Vasgar to stop the Mission to OZP-11, in which the COG were attempting to launch the UIR's Hammer of Dawn satellites to prepare using against the Swarm. Reyna attempted to stop them by attacking Delta Squad with her army and the gargantuan Kraken, an indigenous creature native to the Vasgar Hollow, but ultimately failed. Reyna personally witnessed the satellites being launched into space.

Battle of Old Ephyra

"You failed us! We are what you could have been! We are a complete being! Connected. Immortal. You had a choice, and you squandered it! Alive or dead, you belong to us!"
—Queen Reyna, possessed by Myrrah, confronting Kait.

Myrrah, as Queen Reyna, confronting Kait Diaz.

Realizing that the humans revived the Hammer of Dawn and were in the process of fortifying New Ephyra, Reyna led an assault to the ruins of Old Ephyra in order to destroy the Hammer of Dawn targeting beacons and render New Ephyra defenseless. Shortly after activating the satellites, the humans needed to place the targeting beacons around the city. After planting the targeting beacons in the Tomb of the Unknowns and East Barricade Academy, Queen Reyna led her army and the Kraken to destroy the beacons.

After destroying the beacon at the Tomb of the Unknowns, Reyna confronted Kait and attacked her friends, JD and Del. She expressed disappointment in Kait for failing to chose to side with her legacy and attempted to kill her and her friends. Kait was able to save herself and either JD or Del, prompting Reyna to murder the other. Kait and her surviving friend escaped and reunited with the COG while Reyna led the Swarm to New Ephyra's gates. In doing so, her army and Kraken were destroyed by the Hammer of Dawn via JACK, acting as the last targeting beacon. Reyna and the Swarm receded, and Marcus warned Kait that she would return. Kait prompted that they hunt her down first before Kait discarded Myrrah's amulet.

Personality and traits


Queen Myrrah in her royal attire.

"But we underestimated so much. Young Myrrah's strong maternal feelings, for instance."
"Let me guess. She led her 'children' to slaughter you all?"
"No, no, no. Well, yes. But I meant her more traditional maternal feelings for her daughter. Little Reyna.
—Niles Samson explaining the aggressively maternal nature of Myrrah to her granddaughter, Kait Diaz.

The most defining trait of Myrrah was her maternal nature. As a child, she exhibited traits of selflessness, nurturing, and sacrifice. Aware that she was immune to Imulsion's ill-effects, she was eager to help the scientists find a cure for the other children sick with Rustlung. As the children mutated into Sires from Dr. Samson's grotesque experiments, Myrrah still held fondness for them, despite their appearance and nature. After her embryonic stem cells were used to create the Locust, she adamantly protected them and acted on their behalf. Her maternal instincts were fully realized with the birth of her human daughter, Reyna. Her connection with Reyna was so strong that when she was led to believe her daughter was killed by the scientists, Myrrah developed a hatred for the entire human race and vowed to destroy them all out of revenge. She led her Locust children, as their Queen, to independence, and continued to grow their civilization. Her main objective was the preservation of her children - which led Myrrah to develop desperate tactics and tendencies.

Myrrah was also best known for her cynical and xenophobic views. Despite being human, she viewed herself and her Locust as more "Seran" than the human race. She saw the Locust as an evolved, connected, and immortal people that were more deserving of Sera than the humans. Despite this, she admittedly held some pity for them - but realized that the human race only knew dominance, arrogance, ignorance, and destruction. These views were caused by the Pendulum Wars and the New Hope scientists who had kidnapped her, used her and other children for experiments, robbed her of her childhood, and supposedly killed her daughter. She feared that the humans would never accept them, even if they came to them peacefully. She believed they would either be oppressed, imprisoned, or eradicated if the humans learned of their existence. This was a deciding factor in leading a genocidal war against the humans. Myrrah expressed inferiority toward the Lambent, as well. She viewed the Lambent Locust as inferior creatures - an infection that corrupted and polluted her people. The Lambent and humans were, in her opinion, both deserving of extinction.

Notable Quotes

"You know what we are, Adam. You know where we came from. We deserve to live, we have the right to live, but you’ll never let us. Just remember that what’s killing us will one day kill you. And I shall be there to see it."
—Queen Myrrah's warning to Adam Fenix shortly before E-Day.
"You leave me no choice! Adam, this ends now! Accept that your species will die!"
— Queen Myrrah arguing with Adam as she attacks the countermeasure the first time.
"Adam! Don't do this! Do you want another genocide on your conscience?!"
—Queen Myrrah arguing with Adam and attacking the Countermeasure for the second time, telling Adam not to kill masses of people again.
"You humans! Why do you think your lives are worth more than ours? Don't you realize who we are? Don't you recognize all your most admirable qualities in us? Oh yes... we are genocidal monsters! Just like you!"
—Queen Myrrah arguing with Marcus Fenix about the nature of the Locust.[13]

Propaganda Quotes

  • "Look inside yourself. Do you have the will to win?"
  • "Our species is destined to rule Sera. Keep fighting, my children! Your queen is with you."
  • "The dominant species will prevail. Always."
  • "They can be stopped. Don't give in."
  • "There are no greater warriors anywhere... we cannot be stopped."
  • "Nothing can stand before us, my children. We shall conquer the surface... and we shall begin anew."
  • "Let nothing stand in the way of our mission. Our destiny awaits."
  • "The Hollow is the past. The surface is our future."
  • "On the surface of Sera, we shall find our destiny."
  • "These creatures cannot hope to stop us."
  • "The Lambent know not our full strength."
  • "We will drown them in their own blood."
  • "The Riftworm is dead. Yet still we will vanquish our enemies."
  • "Destroy them! We must reach the surface!"
  • "The Lambent are inferior! The plague must be stopped!"
  • "Like the humans, the Lambent are weak. Crush them beneath your feet."
  • "Never give up, my children. You are Sera's saviors!"
  • "Excellent, my children. Your bravery does your queen proud."
  • "Rise! Higher, my children! Then we shall wash our enemies away in the great flood."
  • "Jacinto shall sink, and all of our enemies will be vanquished."
  • "The Riftworm weakened Jacinto's base... now all we have to do is finish the task."
  • "The great flood shall vanquish all of our enemies. Let it flow."
  • "Our enemies threaten the sanctity of the palace. Destroy them!"
  • "Water shall meet fire, and our enemies will meet their doom."
  • "We cannot allow the Lambent to pollute the surface. We must bury their infection here."
  • "The world is rightfully ours, and we will destroy them."


Patient Analysis: EV-184-9
EV-184-9 has been exposed to Imulsion levels hitherto known - without exception - to be fatal. Yet she displays no detectable cellular degradation at all. Quite the opposite, if anything.

We have decided to isolate and observe EV-184-9 closely, twenty-six hours a day, while continuing to administer a daily dose of concentrated Imulsion. We tell her it's her medicine and she smiles while she takes it. She is quite eager to be helpful.

Dr. Niles Samson

Patient Analysis: RK-619-4
RK-619-4's final transformation occurred roughly eighteen hours before death. Quite disappointing, as the subject's cells had initially benefited from Imulsion exposure nearly as much as Subject EV-184-9's.

It is time to face a hard truth. EV-184-9's response to Imulsion exposure may be entirely anomalous. And Dr. Torres has just informed me that EV-184-9's T cells appear to be particularly responsive. He believes her body is now aging at a pace roughly half that of a normal girl.

Dr. Niles Samson

Subject Analysis: UL-119-2
UL-119-2 remains our most physically dominant and remarkable specimen, surviving longer than any hybrid developed with embryonic stem cells. I remain baffled as to why this is so.

The bond she seemed to have developed with EV-184-9 continues to intrigue me. All at once, this mighty, matriarchal beast can be calmed into quiescence by no more than a glance!

Dr. Torres has developed a containment module for UL-119-2. He believes that by suspending her in cryptochromic fluid, the pyschomagnetic bond she and EV-184-9 appear to share could be amplified. I am skeptical but willing to entertain his flight of theoretical fancy.

Dr. Niles Samson

Subject Analysis: TE-872-3
I tolerated Dr. Torres' unseemly designs upon EV-184-9 mainly due to my hope that their dalliance could produce a child. And now it has: TE-872-3.

Let me dispense with these chilly medical appellations, as Myrrah has proved my colleague and collaborator in every sense.

Her selfless cooperation has brought me much joy, but not nearly as much as this: Myrrah's daughter has inherited her unique genomic constellation. What this means I do not yet know, but it proves that what I have created here is, astonishingly, inheritable.

All throughout our facility dote upon Reyna already. Only Dr. Torres seems ambivalent. I suspect he is jealous of the attention his special child is receiving.

Dr. Niles Samson

Subject Analysis: EV-184-9
Myrrah's mood remains bleak. I confess I underestimated the depth of her feelings for her daughter.

I have had to curtail her exposure to the Matriarch as well, for I and others have noticed that, the more frequent their interaction, the more it affects the behavior of our test subjects.

They have become... not docile, not exactly, but somehow... mindful, perhaps. Sometimes they seem to murmur in unison or simultaneously face the same direction. Dr. Van Neil remarked that it almost looked as if they were praying.

I worry Myrrah's influence has allowed our test subjects to develop novel and unhelpful ideas.

For the first time since I began this work, all those years ago, I am concerned for our safety.

Dr. Niles Samson



Myrrah's sketchbook. The Locust Runes are translated as: Revenge, Death, and War.

Kait here.

This was my grandmother's. I feel a lot of anger in these drawings.

If I had grown up like this - in this place, with these people - I don't know if I can say I would have done things differently.

What's the saying? You reap what you sow.

Behind the Scenes

Crimson Omen
Gearspedia has 25 images related to Myrrah.
Geist allmother2

Geist Allmother/Queen Myrrah concept art.

  • Myrrah is voiced by Carolyn Seymour.
  • The original name for Queen Myrrah was Geist Allmother.
  • Myrrah's appearance and performance by Carolyn Seymour were inspired by Cate Blanchett's portrayal of Lady Galadriel in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy.
    • Cliff Bleszinski has expressed interest in Cate Blanchett being his first choice for Myrrah in a possible Gears of War live-action adaptation.
  • Myrrah was the narrator for the prologue, epilogue, and Lt. Minh Young Kim's assassination in Gears of War. She made her first appearance in Gears of War 2. However, in the Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, she and her Tempest mount appear in the ending instead of the placeholder Locust on the Hydra, thus appearing in every game of the original trilogy.
  • Myrrah is pronounced and spelled similarly to the Swedish word myra, which translates to ant.
  • Myrrah's cells being used for research strongly resembles the case of Henrietta Lacks, a woman whose cancer cells are the source of the HeLa cell line, the first immortalized human cell line and one of the most important cell lines in medical research. An immortalized cell line reproduces indefinitely under specific conditions, and the HeLa cell line continues to be a source of invaluable medical data to the present day. Lacks was the unwitting source of these cells from a tumor biopsied during treatment for cervical cancer in 1951.
    • Her unique ability had to do with particular mutations in her cells caused by the human papillomavirus that had infected them. HPV inserts its own DNA into that of the host, resulting in a genetic hybrid - similar to the effects of Imulsion causing point mutations in cells that could be considered beneficial rather than harmful.
  • It is possible that Myrrah's passive immunity to Rustlung, highly responsive T-cells, and decelerated aging were caused by exposure to Imulsion while in the womb, as in-utero exposure to pathogen-derived antigens have been known to induce immunological tolerance. It's also possible that her father's sperm or mother's eggs were affected by Imulsion, as Imulsion was known to cause birth defects.




  1. The Rise of RAAM
  2. Gears of War 3 - Adam Fenix dialogue
  3. Gears of War: Aspho Fields pg 377
  4. Gears of War: Aspho Fields pg 3-4
  5. RAAM's Shadow: Darkness Spreads
  6. RAAM's Shadow: Under the Shadow
  7. Gears of War: The Slab
  8. Gears of War Outro
  9. Gears of War 2
  10. Gears of War 3: Chapter 2
  11. Gears of War 3
  12. Gears 5, Myrrah refers to Kait as "my child" directly, and exhibits knowledge only she would know.
  13. Gears of War 3 Act 5, conversation triggered if the Tempest is allowed to attack the Imulsion Countermeasure Weapon three times

Locust Leaders
Queen Myrrah · High General RAAM · High General Sraak · General Karn · High Priest Skorge · High Priest Vrol · High Priest Droak · Scientist Ukkon

Hollow and Enemy Creatures
Locust Horde
Berserker (Matriarch) · Boomer (Butcher, Flame Boomer, Grinder, Mauler, Mauler Elite, Savage Boomer, Tremor) · Drone (Beast Rider, Bolter, Cyclops, Disciple, Flame Drone, Grappler, Gunner, Miner, Savage Drone, Savage Hunter, Savage Marauder, Sniper, Spotter) · Grenadier (Flame Grenadier, Grenadier Elite, Hunter, Hunter Elite, Savage Grenadier, Savage Grenadier Elite, Ravager) · Kantus (Armored Kantus, Savage Kantus, Zealot) · Rager · Sire · Theron (Cleaver Theron, Palace Guard, Savage Theron, Theron Elite, Theron Sentinel)
Hollow Creatures
Bloodmount · Brumak · Corpser (Shibboleth) · Digger · Gas Barge · Heart Leech · Kraken · Kryll · Leviathan · Mangler · Nemacyst (Ink Grenade) · Nemacyte · Reaver (Assault Barque, Hydra) · Riftworm · Rockworm · Rock Shrew · Seeder · Serapede · Siegebeast · Tempest (Shrieker) · Ticker · Torture Barge · Wretch
Former · Lambent Berserker · Lambent Brumak · Lambent Bull · Lambent Dog · Lambent Drone (Lambent Drudge) · Lambent Grenadier · Lambent Gunker · Lambent Leviathan · Lambent Polyp · Lambent Stalk · Lambent Theron · Lambent Wretch
Canker · Carrier · DeeBees (Bastion, Reject, Stump) · Drone (Elite Drone, Grenadier, Elite Grenadier, Hunter, Elite Hunter, Imago, Sniper, Elite Sniper) · Flock (Leech) · Hive Beast · Juvie (Screamer, Popper) · Kraken · Locust (Drone · Matriarch · Sire) · Scion (Armored Scion, Heavy Scion, Scion Elite, Warden) · Snatcher (Pouncer) · Swarmak
DR-1 · Shepherd (Deadeye) · Tracker (Shock Tracker) · Watcher (Guardian, Sentinel)