Gears of War Wiki
Gears of War Wiki

"We're surrounded on land and we've got our backs to the sea. We might as well be on an island."
—Meredith, as she assess the COG's situation in Ephyra

Lieutenant Meredith was an Gear officer in the Coalition of Ordered Governments army. During the Fall of Ephyra, she was in charge of the Hammer of Dawn support team.


Battle of Ephyra[]

Ten years after Emergence Day, Meredith was in charge of the Hammer of Dawn team stationed in Ephyra in anticipation of the Locust attack on the city. Meredith felt that the Coalition of Ordered Governments had been backed into a corner on the Jacinto Plateau, since the Locust had surrounded them by land and they could not flee by sea.[1] When the Locust finally assaulted Ephyra, Meredith and her team were killed by the Locust. Their bodies were found by Bravo Squad, and Sgt.Marcus Fenix recovered the Hammer of Dawn targeting laser from their remains, along with their COG Tags.[2]



  1. Gears of War: The Slab pg 2
  2. Gears of War: The Slab pg 74-75