The Designated Marksman Rifle or otherwise abbreviated as DMR, is a medium-long range, high-precision weapon designed for accurate and lethal shots.
Whilst not on the same scale as a Longshot Sniper Rifle, the DMR provides a niche between conventional sniper rifles and shorter ranged assault rifles. As such, the DMR is the COG's answer to the UIR's infamous Markza Mk 1 Marksman Rifle; providing a good balance between rate of fire and accuracy.
The weapon was Padrick Salton's primary weapon of choice during the Pendulum Wars.
Raid on Gralia[]
During the Raid on Gralia, a Commando team led by Captain Victor Hoffman and Padrick Salton alongside Bai Tak and his squad of Pesanga, infiltrated the territory of the Republic of Lauczi in the region of Gralia.[1]
Hoffman's squad successfully demolished the UIR's radar tower, with Padrick using his DMR to blow out the tower's lights.[2]