Gears of War Wiki
Gears of War Wiki

The 81st "Brash" Brigade was a special unit in the Coalition of Ordered Governments Army formed shortly after Operation: Hollow Storm and the Sinking of Jacinto, tasked with clearing out pockets of Locust resistance remaining on the surface of Sera.

The 81st "Brash" Brigade was recently restored to eliminate the surviving Locust from the Imulsion Countermeasure Weapon. The Locust survivors occasionally attacked groups burying the crystalized bodies, possibly because they saw what the humans were doing as defiling the corpses of their kind. Eventually, the Locust survivors were wiped out.

From Hoffman's conversation with Lahni, it appears that the 81st "Brash" Brigade, is active and functional once again, it is possible that the Swarm War, has caused it to form again. It is very possible that they will try to eliminate all surviving Swarm during the new war.

Known Members[]

